‘Learn, Laugh, Live’ with L&Du3a
‘Learn to Live’ is a new report that highlights the u3a movement’s benefits for individuals, communities and wider society. Physical activity and social interaction have been shown to make older people happier and healthier. Regular exercise helps to reduce stress and anxiety and improves confidence and self-esteem. This is particularly important in later life following retirement, bereavement, loss and social isolation. The U3A can help to fill the gap. Members have undergone physical and mental transformation.
I recall Edinburgh GP, Professor John Howie at an RCGP conference on ‘ageing’ opening his address with ‘There is no such thing as a finished article’. We are always learning, exploring new ideas and sharing experiences. In the u3a, non-formal learning is fun meeting new friends and rediscovering past interests.
Groups are at the heart of our U3A; there are nearly 30 groups to choose from and there is something for everyone. Vital to the success of the u3a are the group leaders, who give up their time and talents to share with others.
With best wishes for the season and the year ahead.
Dr Jill Murie FRCGP (Chair L&Du3a)